Kihada Hall
Obaku Plaza, Uji Campus, Kyoto University
Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto, 611-0011, JAPAN (Japanese only)
Here is some information that might be useful to learn about transportation.
Getting Around Kyoto by Subway & Train | Kyoto City Official Travel Guide
Suica, Pasmo, Icoca: The Complete IC Card Guide and Decision Tree – Inside Kyoto
If you would like rechargeable IC cards, you can purchase an “ICOCA” at Kansai Airport Station and other major JR stations (sometimes cash only). If you visit Tokyo first, you can buy a “Welcome Suica”, an exclusive card for foreign visitors, at Haneda and Narita Airports. Both cards can basically be used nationwide in Japan except for Shinkansen.

From Airport to JR Kyoto Sation

From Kyoto Station to Obaku Station (JR Line)
Take the JR Nara line “Local” train on Platform No.8, 9, or 10 to Obaku (the 8th stop from Kyoto, 25 min., JPY 240).
Don’t take “Rapid” trains which don’t make a stop at Obaku.
JR-WEST Timetables & Route Finder
From JR Obaku (JR line or Keihan Line) Station to Uji campus